The CBT Alumni Club was formed from the CBT Retirees Club in 1983, after CBT no longer existed except in the hearts and minds of those who had worked there. Anyone who ever worked at CBT is welcome to join. Membership is $7 per year.
The Board of Directors is a working board that creates and presents social events each year and three newsletters, Winter, Spring, and Fall, for the membership. We welcome people who would like to join and help us with our work.
Board Members for 2021 are:
Pat Cote
Noreen Cullen, Vice President
Tom Fenton, Vice President, Membership Chairman
Sandy Hedderman, Memorabilia Chairperson
David Joy
Marylou Kenyon, Emeritus
Marlene Lincoln, Emeritus
Sharon Menard
Susan Moher, Secretary
Dan Murray
John Tinnirella, Chair of Nominating Committee
Mary-Ellen Welch, Treasurer
Peter Wilcox
Robert Willis
Paul Young, President
One of the most important functions of the Club is connecting CBTers to their pension money. To date, we have recovered over $4.5 million in lost pension funds for people, some of whom had assumed that our pensions were lost due to the bankruptcy in 1991. Not so! Our pensions are very much alive and well and it just takes some effort to find them. Please contact the Club if you need help in locating yours: [email protected].
The CBT Alumni Club has a philanthropic aspect. We end every year at our Annual Meeting and Holiday Party. While celebrating together, we collect an impressive amount of food, mittens, scarves, children's books, clothing, and toys each December. These are donated to Honor and Serve, a Groton and New London organization for active, retired, and homeless military that shares their donations statewide. Because the need continues year 'round, we collect donations all throughout the year. (This had to be suspended during Covid.)
The Club endeavors to keep people connected and offers a network of support. The website and email communications were added in 2002 to enhance these functions. The website serves as a way to keep members informed about the Club and its events, to post photos after social events, and to place obituary notices in a single, easy-to-access location. Since 2004, a current-day newsletter has been published called The Connection.
The Club currently has members who live all around the country. We have over 425 active members.
The beat does go on!
The Board of Directors is a working board that creates and presents social events each year and three newsletters, Winter, Spring, and Fall, for the membership. We welcome people who would like to join and help us with our work.
Board Members for 2021 are:
Pat Cote
Noreen Cullen, Vice President
Tom Fenton, Vice President, Membership Chairman
Sandy Hedderman, Memorabilia Chairperson
David Joy
Marylou Kenyon, Emeritus
Marlene Lincoln, Emeritus
Sharon Menard
Susan Moher, Secretary
Dan Murray
John Tinnirella, Chair of Nominating Committee
Mary-Ellen Welch, Treasurer
Peter Wilcox
Robert Willis
Paul Young, President
One of the most important functions of the Club is connecting CBTers to their pension money. To date, we have recovered over $4.5 million in lost pension funds for people, some of whom had assumed that our pensions were lost due to the bankruptcy in 1991. Not so! Our pensions are very much alive and well and it just takes some effort to find them. Please contact the Club if you need help in locating yours: [email protected].
The CBT Alumni Club has a philanthropic aspect. We end every year at our Annual Meeting and Holiday Party. While celebrating together, we collect an impressive amount of food, mittens, scarves, children's books, clothing, and toys each December. These are donated to Honor and Serve, a Groton and New London organization for active, retired, and homeless military that shares their donations statewide. Because the need continues year 'round, we collect donations all throughout the year. (This had to be suspended during Covid.)
The Club endeavors to keep people connected and offers a network of support. The website and email communications were added in 2002 to enhance these functions. The website serves as a way to keep members informed about the Club and its events, to post photos after social events, and to place obituary notices in a single, easy-to-access location. Since 2004, a current-day newsletter has been published called The Connection.
The Club currently has members who live all around the country. We have over 425 active members.
The beat does go on!